Excellent post Terry.
After researching the history of the bible for the past five years, I have come to the same conclusion as yourself . Its a shame that more people don't put in the effort and research the origins of the bible and christianity, they would be surprised. The Dead Sea Scrolls also help to shed a lot of light on the history of the bible. Isn't it amazing how the religions write off the so called Gnostic books, yet the bible quotes from these books in a number of places. An example of this is how the bible book of Jude blantantly quotes from the Gnostic book of Enoch, which if you have read it is quite bizarre, yet the churches including the jw's do not acknowledge it. So if it is good enough for Jude to quote from, why isn't it in the bible canon? Answer , because once again this book did not fit in with the teachings of the church. Also what about the Gnostic book "The Revelation of Peter" this book was originally chosen to be the finial book in the bible canon in place of the current book of Revelation that we now have. However, "The Revelation of Peter" had a softer viewpoint on hell, again not suiting the churches teaching of eternal torment in hell, so they dropped it in favour of the book of Revelation we have today.
After all is said and done the bible was put together and used to instill fear into people allowing the religious and political leaders at the time to control the people, this has continued to be exploited up to our time.
Nevertheless, everyone is entitled to there opinion, thats what makes this discussion board so great. If believing in the bible and the ransom gives you hope and keeps you going day after day well thats great. As for me even though I believe the bible is just another history book, a bad one at that, written by men and not inspired by God. Meantime I still hope that there is more to life then just our short pitiful existence now, however, I no longer worry about the future I just enjoy each day of life as it comes.